New production of Agrostis

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Novogreen informs that its production of Agrostis in 5 cm substrate of USGA siliceous sand from the Pilón river (Segovia) is now available.

Immediate availability

At our farm in Arévalo (Ávila)

10.000m² of Agrostis 007

10.000m² of Agrostis L93

Available in August

In our farm in Alcolea de Tajo (Toledo)

10.000m² of Agrostis Tour Pro

15.000m² of Agrostis Tee One

15.000m² of Agrostis 007

2.000m² of Agrostis Pure Distinction

Contact the sales technician

Novogreen informa que ya está disponible su producción de Agrostis en sustrato de 5cm de arena de sílice USGA del río Pilón (Segovia)

Disponibilidad inmediata

En nuestra finca de Arevalo (Ávila)

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