Pivot 2: Our Crown Jewel of Natural Grass

Pivot en finca de césped natural en tepes

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The best soccer fields in the world have a very special lawn to withstand the conditions of things on a pitch.

Pivot en finca de césped natural en tepes

In Novogreen we are very aware of the resistance of the sod of a sports ground, and for this we have a very special area in our estate of Arévalo. Pivot 2 is the jewel of the crown, the area where we have worked the hardest to achieve a more sandy terrain. In the summer of 2016 more than 200 trucks moved soil out to this pivot, with the aim of obtaining 30 centimeters of sandy profile in the thickness of the sods.

Tepes de césped natural en fincaFootball is a sport that requires a substrate of these features. Since clubs build their training camps and stadiums according to the rules of the USGA (United States Golf Association); there are 30 centimeters of silica sand for the correct rooting of the plant.

For time related reasons, clubs prefer to install sod. It is better for the sod to be cultivated in our farm in the summer. This way the sod will be fresh and ready to be installed on the football clubs’ fields when the season starts in August.

This way, with the cultivation, the state in our farm and the placement of the soils in the field of play, a substrate is obtained that is easily adapted to the sports field. This substrate has many advantages: Numerous rooting facilities, large drainage capacity, and good health of the grass.

Alberto Molina
Departamento técnico-comercial Zona Norte

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Tener un césped bonito y en condiciones es fruto de un mantenimiento apropiado. Odiada y amada según el usuario, la siega del césped es una